Will You Walk With Me?

My aim is to share God’s glory through sharing my story.

I never guessed it would happen to me.

I’m 25, have no preexisting health conditions, overall healthy. My husband Myles took me to the ER last week for what we thought was a COVID-induced migraine, and we came out with the knowledge that my symptoms were a result of something much more serious.

I have a brain tumor.

Am I scared? Absolutely. Do I have a lot of unanswered questions? Of course…awaiting biopsy results is nothing I would wish upon anyone. Am I in shock, confused, even heartbroken at the prospects? Yes, all of the above. I have to take this roller coaster day by day, moment by moment, not brushing past the gravity of what is at stake, but always, seeking light through it. At times it feels impossible and even sometimes silly, but I KNOW on the other side and in the midst of this terrible storm in my life, there is the peace of God ready to be found. There is a mighty, merciful God who is still putting air in my lungs. There are still His promises of healing and provision yet to be fulfilled in His timing, even if I can’t ever understand why this is even happening to me at all. There are blessings here, now, to name and claim, to see God’s hand at work throughout an absolutely horrible situation. His mercies are new every morning, and tumors don’t change that. My illness doesn’t change who I know God to be. And I am confident that God has never and will never give up on me. 

It may seem foolish, and if I didn’t know God, I too would think of this mindset I’m seeking as just a feeble attempt to “look at the bright side.” But friends, sometimes there isn’t really a bright side to a situation. Sometimes this broken world really just sucks. But I truly believe there is always light to be found IN SPITE of the darkness, the brokenness, the feeling of lostness. “Those who seek me will find me” (Jeremiah 29:13). God knows I’m seeking. And He is near.

So this is my aim. As long as I have breath to tell it, I will share my story. I will share the goodness of God. I will weep. I will be raw, I will be weak, but when I am weak, then I am strong (2 Corinthians 12:10).

The Lord knows I cannot fight this battle alone, not without Him and not without an army of support behind me. I want to invite you to be part of my story. Even if I don’t know you well or maybe you just stumbled on this page through social media or a friend shared it with you… I want to invite you to be with me in this journey, in prayer, in crying out to God for mercy, in sharing encouragement with me and my husband, my family, my loved ones….however you feel led to join me.

Walks are meant to be shared. Will you walk with me for a while, sweet friend?


The Brevity of Life


For As Long As We Both Shall Live