I Will Sing

About last night…

On the evening of February 15th, 2022, just a couple days after returning from our trip of a lifetime to England, I had the opportunity to come home to Cincinnati and lead a night of worship in my community. So many people from various seasons of my life were there in person and joining on the livestream…I know my army is here and it is mighty. Thank you to everyone who made last night possible.

I am still soaking in the preciousness and power of what took place. About a month ago, when we were in the thick of getting wave after wave of bad tumor news, grappling with the reality of my diagnosis and prognosis, God put this event on my heart. I just felt very strongly that I needed to sing and share my story with complete openness and honesty, and I needed to do it live with my army. Last night, I felt the Holy Spirit moving in me, giving me peace and power and WORDS that were not my own. Last night I sang my heart out with people I love, I shared pieces of my broken story I had never shared publicly before, I preached with an authority and confidence I had never experienced before, and I was prayed over by some of the most joyful, bold, and Spirit-filled people I have ever known. Together we declared God’s victory over this tumor, trusting in God’s character as our Healer and Restorer. I have total confidence that God will heal me, all in His timing of course…but I know that it will happen, because God is my Healer and Restorer. This tumor is not here to stay. This tumor does not win. Darkness of any kind will never win because there is a good God who has the final victory over it all. He is here, and He is making Himself known. 

So many people came up to me afterward and shared that this worship experience spoke to them and healed them in ways they didn’t know they needed. I cannot tell you how much that blesses me to hear. While we are praying daily for God’s physical healing to come and come soon, I cannot help but see how God has also been at work through this storm healing me and others in emotional, relational, mental, and spiritual ways too. That speaks even more to His character. Our God is the God who takes shitty physical illnesses like cancer and can flip the situation to heal the darkest illnesses of our hearts and minds. God is fighting these battles with us and for us, in every moment. Look for Him. He is here, and He is moving. Constantly.

If you didn’t get a chance to catch the livestream last night, the playback is available on my Facebook page. I would encourage you to watch it, not because I want you to see me perform or listen to me sing, but because I genuinely believe that you will be blessed by the power of what took place last night. Even if your relationship with God is in a rocky spot right now, even if you’re angry with Him or feel distant from Him (I’ve 100% been there), see this as an invitation to bring all that to God. Just like our relationships with people, when we keep our anger and bitterness against someone to ourselves and never confront that person, it grows, and we grow distant from them. Don’t let that happen with you and God, not anymore. Be brave and be mad at Him. Direct your expression toward Him, not away from Him. Scream in His face, ask Him hard questions, do what you need to do…for you. God can take it all. There is no feeling too big or ugly to throw at God. He actually invites us to “cast our burdens” on Him. What’s burdening you today? Can you let go of trying to figure everything out yourself and throw your burdens at God? Let Him be there for you. He wants to be there for you. He wants YOU.

Watch the worship night recap.


For As Long As We Both Shall Live


Why do bad things happen to good people?